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Sasha Kirby



Other Submitted Works


Day 110 of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

From 4 a.m. on 24 February 2022, when the Russian Federation’s armed attack against Ukraine started, to 24:00 midnight on 13 June 2022 (local time), the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) recorded 9,931 civilian casualties in the country: 4,432 killed and 5,499 injured. This included:
       • a total of 4,432 killed (1,693 men, 1,138 women, 103 girls, and 106 boys, as well as 68 children and 1,324 adults whose 

          sex is yet unknown)
       • a total of 5,499 injured (1,123 men, 780 women, 124 girls, and 159 boys, as well as 173 children and 3,140 adults whose

          sex is yet unknown)

The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission, Ukraine.


All quotes from the children are collected from articles in the New York Times, the Guardian and transcripts from newsclips of interviews with children who have been affected by the Russian Federation’s armed attack against Ukraine that started on the 24 February 2022. An index of all the references are at the back of this document.

Artist Statement

       My artwork depicts numerous sets of eyes of children in Ukraine who are affected by the Ukraine-Russian war. I overlayed quotes I found from Ukrainian children about their experiences over the top. I collected these quotes from articles in the New York Times, Guardian and transcripts from various interviews. Through my research, I found that дети means children in Russian. Since the first day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian parents have written this word on their cars during evacuations and on buildings in the hope that Russians would not harm the children in their care. Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, announced on 2 June 2022- International Children’s day that so far, 243 Ukrainian children have been killed, 446 wounded and 139 missing. More than half of Ukraine's children are now displaced from home. According to UNICEF, of the country's 7.5 million children, 2 million have crossed into neighboring countries as refugees and 2.5 million are internally displaced. My project is for the children of Ukraine.
       Having the opportunity to be a recipient of the grant has really expanded my artistic boundaries. Simply being a part of this project has motivated me to explore new art forms and experiment with my creativity by creating on current events. Through this project, I painted with acrylics and experimented with printing on acetate sheets as a way to incorporate words and paint. I even tested different angles of the acetate as a way to cast interesting shadows using natural light. Without the grant, I doubt I would have taken all of these artistic jumps.

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