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About Us

Creative Arts Initiative (CAI) was created to give students, who may not have the resources or may not wish art as a career, an opportunity to try out their artistic ideas.

Creative Arts Initiative is an uniquely Stuyvesant High School opportunity to receive funding and guidance for a creative project idea. Our mission is to give students, who may not have the resources or may not wish art as a career, an opportunity to try out their artistic ideas. Through art, beauty and the creative process can be a part (and perhaps for some, an essential part) in balancing student life at Stuyvesant High School. More than meeting academic rigor of student life, the creative process in its generous and generative nature brings life to the student creators and greater Stuyvesant community. Additionally, we hope this program will benefit students to sustain exploration and perhaps, discover hidden creative abilities. Finally, these original creations may be used for college applications, portfolios, and scholarships.


We hope you will enjoy the variety and depth of independent creative projects by students from our community.


Elizabeth Chao

Student Committee 

Aileen Chen

Student Committee 

Maegan Diep

Student Committee 

Sid Shrivastava

Student Committee 

Jolie Yeung

Student Committee Web Designer 24-25


Jeanie Chu

Art Teacher/Mentor

Bill Wrigley

Art Teacher/Mentor

Karen Leo

Art Teacher/Mentor

Jane Karp

Art Teacher/Mentor


Harvey Blumm


Raymond Ye Lee


Diana Akhmedova

Web Producer (23-24)

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